In "The Invisible Symbiosis: Yellow in Grey," textile designer Yuxin Luo studies the relationship between the nitrogen-loving lichen, Xanthoria parietina, and nitrogen-polluted cities. Using textiles, Yuxin, from the Royal College of Art, interprets this lichen's 'language', highlighting the unseen bond between humans, lichen, and urban areas, promoting environmental awareness.

The Invisible Symbiosis: Yellow in Grey

Oct 12, 2023


Connetion : +102354

Shares : 32154

‘Symbiosis’ was originally derived from the mutualistic relationship between fungi and bacteria within lichens.

‘Yellow’ represents Xanthoria parietina, the main character in this project.

‘Grey’ represents cities.

In the project titled "The Invisible Symbiosis: Yellow in Grey," textile designer Yuxin Luo delves into the intriguing relationship between Xanthoria parietina—a nitrogen-loving lichen—and urban settings marked by nitrogen pollution. X. parietina flourishes in cities, acting as a natural indicator of nitrogen levels—a major pollutant predominantly from vehicles. Here, 'Yellow' represents X. parietina, and 'Grey' denotes the urban landscapes that provide this lichen with a distinctive growth platform.

Through the medium of textiles, Luo aims to illuminate the unseen symbiotic relationship among humans, X. parietina, and urban spaces. A student at the Royal College of Art, Luo specializes in bionic design and sustainable materials. She draws inspiration from the complex interplay between nature and human-made elements in urban life. Luo champions a deeper comprehension of nature's cues as a driving force for environmental awareness.


「黃色」代表該項目的主角 Xanthoria parietina。


在名為「看不見的共生:灰中的黃」的計畫中,紡織設計師 Yuxin Luo 深入探討了喜氮地衣 Xanthoria parietina 與由氮污染標誌的城市環境之間的有趣關係。 X. parietina在城市中茁壯成長,作為氮水平的自然指標 - 這是主要來自車輛的主要污染物。 這裡,「黃」代表X. parietina,「灰」代表為這種地衣提供獨特生長平台的城市景觀。

透過紡織品,Yuxin Luo 旨在闡明人類、X. parietina和城市空間之間看不見的共生關係。 身為皇家藝術學院的學生,Yuxin 擅長仿生設計和永續材料。 她從城市生活中自然與人造元素之間的複雜互動中汲取靈感。 羅宇欣提倡更深入地理解大自然的訊號,作為增強環境意識的驅動力。

Yuxin Luo

Yuxin Luo is a textile designer focusing on bionic design and sustainable materials. With a great interest in exploring different media and materials, Yuxin tries to express her feelings and thoughts through multidisciplinary and multimedia design.

During her study at the Royal College of Art, Yuxin was strongly inspired and motivated by the conflict and blend of nature and human-made objects in city life. She believes understanding nature’s messages can be a starting point or turning point for thinking more about sharing with nature.

Yuxin Luo 是一位紡織品設計師,專注於仿生設計和永續材料。 Yuxin 對探索不同的媒介和材料充滿興趣,試圖透過跨學科和多媒體設計來表達她的感受和想法。

在英國皇家藝術學院學習期間,雨馨受到城市生活中自然與人造物體的衝突與融合的強烈啟發和激勵。 她認為,嘗試理解自然的訊息可以成為更多思考與自然分享的起點或轉捩點。

Textile Designer: Yuxin Luo @yuxinlolo_

Textiles (MA), Royal College of Art


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